Protected, owned and managed by the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy.
Due to its location on a private road, GTRLC cannot provide unlimited public access to this nature sanctuary. Visitors are required to call GTRLC at (231) 929-7911 for permission each time they visit and display a Conservancy-issued day pass on their vehicle dashboard while parked at the property.
This sanctuary features open dune, coastal moraine bluff and boreal forest habitats, which together represent a high-quality example of a perched Great Lakes dune system. The property is home to Pitcher’s thistle (a state and federally-threatened species) and provides important habitat for the state-threatened Lake Huron locust.
The critical dune habitat at this nature sanctuary supports a diverse array of endemic plant and animal species found only in Great Lakes coastal dune systems. Because of the rare plants, highly erodible sandy soils and extremely steep slopes found here—and the property’s small size—it is not well suited for a trail system and public access is discouraged.