While this property was protected by GTRLC, it is owned by Joint Recreational Authority (The Charter Township of Garfield & City of Traverse City) and managed by Grand Traverse Conservation District. Please contact them with any issues.

For over 50 years, this beloved forest was owned and stewarded by Clarence and Esther Kroupa and their family, who carefully worked to restore a once barren portion of this land while enhancing and protecting natural growth.

Today, Hickory Forest features steep, rolling terrain with tremendous ecological value, providing a perfect place for passive recreation. Situated in Garfield Township, this 76-acre property contains one of the largest remaining expanses of undisturbed forest near Traverse City. The property primarily consists of mesic northern forest, a habitat listed as vulnerable in the State of Michigan, and it boasts exceptional floristic quality, providing habitat for numerous fauna species that rely upon this forest type.

Hickory Forest borders Hickory Hills, owned by the City of Traverse City, and Hickory Meadows, owned by the Rec Authority. In 2020, GTRLC negotiated a purchase agreement for the property with the help of an interim buyer. Three years later, ownership was transferred to the Recreational Authority of Traverse City and Garfield Township with the support of a successful Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund grant application. 

In autumn 2023, a sustainably designed hiking trail was completed, offering a high-quality trail experience while protecting ecologically sensitive areas. Despite the property’s steep topography, the trail provides a gradual incline for an easy hiking experience in addition to winter recreational opportunities. 

See the Grand Traverse Conservation District’s and The Charter Township of Garfield’s website for details and maps.

To learn more about how this special place was protected, read the Hickory Forest chapter in our Campaign for Generations publication.